Videohive 1000 Outline Icons
أيقونات مرسومة منوعة للافترافكت 1000 Outline Icons
This animated icons project is a consistent set of line icons designed to give life to any project. Each icon has its own custom build up animation. Simply drag and drop the chosen icons into your project, set your colors by a few clicks and you are done. There is a general color scheme applied to all icons.
The icons are grouped into 38 categories: 1. Alert, 2. Arrows, 3. Audio, 4. Bookmarks, 5. Business, 6. Clothes, 7. Design 8. Edition, 9. Files, 10. Folders, 11. Food, 12. Formats, 13. Hardware, 14. Interface, 15. Emails, 16. Hierarchy, 17. Leisure & entertainment, 18. Map & Location, 19. Medical, 20. Nature & Eco, 21. Network & Sharing, 22. Phone, 23. Photo & Pictures 24. Places, 25. Selection & cursors, 26. Server, 27. Settings, 28. Shopping, 29. Social networks, 30. Status, 31. Time, 32. Touch Gestures. 33. Transfers, 34. Transportation, 35. Users, 36. Video, 37. Weather, 38. Windows